By Adesokan Tunde (Toonday)
(Twitter: @tunde_adesokan
Instagram: @toondayatkins
Facebook: tunde.w.adesokan)
"Whoreship I"
Are your eyes the sparkle
in the night stars?
Are you the peaceful ripples
in the homeward river?
The distance cloaks in
the coming dawn?
My water cannot choke
your fish
My breeze cannot stumble
your bird
Let my words fly you home
Let my rhythms riddle
your body
Let me spill you to gods
this night
Before the dusk invades
the rafter
of our panting chests.
"Whoreship II"
Abeni, I will dress you in the eve
of apple leaves –
in the edges of knowledge unsettling
our world
A stone ripples unwanted waves
in a hidden pond
An axe sharpened by many years
Beetles beating a dead branch
to breathe
Eyes moon-wide opened
I can now plough the topography
Of thy body
The apple red of thy lips
The inciting rays of your eyes
I espy mountains at the back
Of a midland meadow –
I seek knowledge from
The Valley betwixt.
If Adam eyes never eat
the veil of its innocence
How will poetry be this good
How will you be this full?
About the Author:

Adesokan Tunde (Toonday) writes from Oyo State, Nigeria. He works with Firstbank.
He is a lover of poetry; a lover of everything that breathes poetry. His works appeared / forthcoming in Pangolin Review, Wales Haiku, Ethel-Zine, Shallowtales Review, Stillwater Review, RoadRunnerReview, Lucent Dreaming etc.
Instagram: @toondayatkins
Facebook: tunde.w.adesokan