By Ari Anne Flit
(Instagram: @ari_flit
Tiktok: @pupzjr)
"perfect prey"
isn’t every woman born
a perfect prey?
every woman has borne
a prayer of survival
whistles ringing, ran
to take over
the first cave
between her mother
and the finish lines, in
the warm dirt
of the carnivore’s
meat-seeking trail
they all smell the same.
no woman, like
good prey
has ever known peace.
isn’t every woman born
a shapeshifter?
every woman
frozen yet mercurial, flesh-
bound storefront mannequins
agile yet slow, imperceptible
to the naked eye of the beasts
mute yet quick as a shooting arrow, slicing
the old two-pronged destiny --
escape for a living lest
fall to the predator,
befriend the bow, betray
your own blood
and become Hunter.
isn’t every woman born
a perfect prey?
every woman
raised ever-bending women, but
well-mannered, well-tempered
blood runs
dry, prey hunted
for sport, until
the first David
she must throw the first stone
or die burnt at the stake.
"self-fulfilling prophecy"
you’ll live your life
only ever owning that which asks
no investment
no devotion
of you
a life
of silver forks
and paper plates
of one-night stand conversations
and feigned interest
and you’ll live your love
keeping your chessboard
behind your back
chanting the old charm
from the comfort of the stage
never letting her
to watch the show
never letting her
close enough
to taste your breath.
you’ll live your life
stamping expiration dates
on the backs of the fools who love you
like I did, you’ve never trusted
to keep what you care for
never dared
to furnish the new house
always leaving
the trapdoor open
for your replaceable trinkets’
imminent departure
and you’ll live your love
climbing mountaintops, chasing
the joy you once felt
riding the wave, the thrill
of impermanence
but inevitably wishing
you’d trusted, you’d stayed
you’d held on to
have her there
when you hit the bottom.
About The Author:

Ari Anne is a 22 year old Peruvian native currently residing in Washington, D.C. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, she shares her writing in her personal blog 'ari's writings' on Substack and with her Tiktok platform.
Connect with her on Instagram: @ari_flit and Tik-Tok @pupzjr