By Jennifer Klein
(Instagram: @jenniferkleinreal)
Sunken Friendships
People always talk about perished romance
Decaying petals on a pedestal, flower stem still in their hands
Not many spill their mouth ink on sunken friendships
But every once in a while, I dip my quill back in
Fled on a lifeboat before I knew to panic
You always wanted to change the world
Well, you crumbled mine temporarily
Crushed it into sand and tossed it out from under my feet
Sealed our time capsule shut and buried our treasure
Somewhere far beyond the sea and metric measure
Ironic because pirates will never want it
Innocence that sought without greed
A whale song wailing that it’s been beached
It should have been a longer story
But there will never be a higher word count
Tried so hard to search my memories
But my periscope is no crystal ball
And could not locate a future burial ground
Or a hastily scribbled map crammed into a bottle
Lonely on the seafloor befriending all the rubble
The ship remains only converse with fish piss bubbles
Warn them to enjoy their bright existence before
Becoming One with the great omniscient Puzzle
I knew you had your troubles
But had no idea when you walked in
That someday you’d abandon me because of them
And leave me stranded without so much as a stem.
Spinner of Golden Threads
You were spinning threads of gold
In a fucked up world
Somehow they saw its shimmer
While others were thrown aside
Their threads deemed tainted
By the same shreds of consciousness
That yours helped sew
Why can they see the celestial in you?
And not in the masses who perished
Alone in the cold abyss
Heartstrings left unused.
Limestone Spirits
They say limestone captures spirit memories
Plays them over and over projecting ghosts into infinity
I lose my eyes up in the sky praying this is true
I don’t want my Hoosier dreams to ever be through
Long ago the limestone set its sights on me
Throughout centuries of joy and defeat
Hope it looks upon every moment I had and spins it into the bittersweet
Only want my sunbeams and reflections to be on repeat
Wonder why it cared so much
To pay attention to wherever upon it my soul touched
To deem me worthy of being a recorded ghost
Must have known it was one of the places my heart felt most
The students who encounter an excerpt of my being
Will be frightened at first, but then feel seen
Irresistible friendships and lost and found zest
Cramming on a dark night of the soul for a test
Someday when my soul leaves the Earth
I’ll float down to Indiana and sit in front of the hearth
Of the sacred fireplace where I learned more of my worth
And critique what moments of mine the limestone spirits decided to set forth.
My briny sealegs
Twist, turn, float
Contort with my body
In chlorinated waves
A manmade boat
I’ve spent too long crying
This water is the opposite
Of my Kentucky tears
In the middle of a YMCA
A manmade sea for sealess seafarers
What kind of sealegs did they have?
My grandparents, my friends
Are they in some distant world now
Flying underwater with no breath
Laughing at our misconception of death?
The newborn in the cradle
The first ornate bookend
Made of the finest marble
A bit of trouble, but
They can only babble
Presumed innocence
For some, no one
Will ever be as cherished again
Than before they can even
Remember when their story began
Except perhaps
Right before the last
Intricate bookend, staring at them
Eyes downcast
Weeping purity onto
Their weariness
Reborn love from
Trying to nurse them
Away from their tombs
But the novels started rotting long ago
Most love polishing marble
Aging books- less so
Pages torn out of spite
Others worn out from the light
Text too small to decipher
Or too nonsensical to even bother
Self-polishing ones thrown out in the cold
Shivering from their stories never told
Bookends with nothing left to hold.

About the Author:
Jennifer Klein is a writer, musician, and artist.
Poetry is one of her favorite ways to make social commentary and merge her inner and outer worlds.
Her poems have been featured or are forthcoming in Hawai`i Pacific Review, Fahmidan Journal, Bombfire, and others.
She received a bachelor’s degree in English with minors in Dutch Studies and Norwegian from Indiana University Bloomington.
You can follow her on Instagram @JenniferKleinReal