By Devika
(Instagram: @my.valiant.soul)
To think of my daily routine is perhaps a routine itself
With charades of rituals and slow nights.
Lavenders blooming and being still :momentary
with a gasp in air- throttling through windowpanes
there is music and lights snow
as if a thunder is sleeping,
a sharp fingernail obstructing vision.
Visions that corrugate over time.
I have no where else to sleep often but my empty lawn
with meteors and stars imitating God- like figures.
I have nowhere to run.
Not a single shade.
No eye.
No ear.
Everything walks into a sad oblivion- my daily routine is more of a body ache.
{ patterns and brackets}
{breaking into temporal sand}
About the Author:

Devika Mathur resides in India and is a published poet, writer, and editor. Her works have been published in Outlook India, The Alipore Post, Madras Courier, Modern Literature, Two Drops Of Ink, Dying Dahlia Review, Pif Magazine, Spillwords, Duane's Poetree, Piker Press, Mojave heart review, Whisper and the Roar amongst others.
She writes for and recently published her book "Crimson Skins". Her five poems were also published in the Sunday Mornings River anthology recently.
You can find her on Instagram at @my.valiant.soul.