By Heikki Huotari
Fewer Flowers
Could I have intended to disrupt the work of congress if I didn't know there was a congress? If the moon were as close as the days were short, this might have been a monologue you can't but like, that you'll play back, but barely audible, a fraction of a second later. What philosophy there was was smuggled in and Simon said, To optimize take n steps of length h, compute the gradient and start again, and Simon said, My enmity's Platonic or the creamy filling's willing but the flaky pastry's weak. What was a buoyant birthday cake is now a wind-blown party hat, the butterfly abruptly a means to an end.
If the equalizer has one spatial and three temporal coordinates then nothing is a rabbit or a rabbit in a hat but thinking makes it so. Six systems need to fail before I'll posit the existence of a seventh. Speech impediments and insubordinate conditions are only informally adopted. Praise me for a facet had by someone new and I'll sin in my heart. Preempting paparazzi I might try varieties of pleasure till I find the one that I'm best suited for or are the infiltrators in disguise or are the infiltrators sending signals indiscriminately? What will Martians make of us? Indeed, inducing an electromotive force in nearby Loch Ness monsters and denying ordinary gravity a foothold, suddenly through metamorphoses a predilection is preserved.
Laugh Lines
Strabismus be my diphthong. If not vertigo be paid in full. Specific gravity or general relativity, the dissonance is riveting. Today's the day the infiltrators have their picnic. On their word they're going back and back, way back. There is no sister city at this antipode. Attachment results in the release of endorphins. With or without your permission I'll speak freely and or stand at ease. Whose ear is this, Van Gogh's? What you call continuity I call equivocation and, of neither a closed interval nor a dichotomy, an avatar of inaccessibility is predicating conscientiously a perfect crime of crows.
To Terms And Conditions I Agree
The antipodes go marching arm in arm and two by two. The antipodes, adopted, oscillate to equilibrium. The thought does not fall far from the balloon. Which thought came first, the red wheelbarrow or the chicken? Like last summer, let's get up and vertigo. Like, subsequent to premature apotheosis I'm not half the half-man-half-god that I used to be and blessed be the injured for they'll be invigorated, blessed be the Visigoth. The free-speech zone is several blocks from the event and I'll not be unmoved. As an example once a day will keep the hypothetical away, my motives won't be mixed. Are there two mourning doves or is the one in fact the other's clone? Parameterize my path by arc length, please. Do with my user name and password what you will.
To Tango
Everybody has a null hypothesis to bear. If you knew half of it like I know half of it, oh what a fraction, what a ratio of natural numbers! All but one of my intentions is dishonorable. Blessed is the octopus for octopuses may be octopuses' opposites. Too tall for basketball, when two or more adverse observers obviate the wave collapse the contemplated cat will dwell in purgatory or in perpetuity. There is no equilibrium more stable than that of the expectation. Pass the cemetery please or pass the cemetery without whistling. Do not go to sleep with imprecise emotions. Take those thoughts and prayers outside.
About The Author:

Heikki Huotari attended a one-room school and spent summers on a forest-fire lookout tower.
Since retiring from academia/mathematics he has published poems in numerous journals and in five poetry collections.
His manuscript, To Justify The Butterfly, won second prize, and publication, in the 2022 James Tate Chapbook Competition.