What are your writing goals for 2023?
Nick Young:
My goal for the year ahead remains unchanged – to craft stories that speak to the human condition in all its complexity, whether it’s the foibles that make us laugh, the personal heartache we endure or the troubling issues that confront us as a society.
A major part of that challenge will be to bring greater stylistic precision and depth to the work.
And, as with all of us engaged in this solitary pursuit, I hope that what I have to say will strike a chord with the reader.
Heikki Huotari:
I have been rising at 4 AM and writing all day every day and my "goal" is to continue to do the same as long as I can.
R. N. Roveleh (Editor):
2022 has been an eventful year, full of new experiences for me. I hope that the next year will see all the inspiration I've gathered put on paper.
My goal is to be better organised and dedicate more time to my writing, not only to the creative process but also to its materialisation. I'm planning to finish my first piece of long fiction set in the present day, Equilibrium Point. Moreover, the editing of my anthology of short-stories, Tales from the North, is nearly completed, so the plan is to have it published in hard copy. Additionally, as one of my old writings (completed but unpublished) needs editing, 2023 will ideally see it brushed up, all loose ends tied, and ready for publication.
Along with my numerous projects, I want to find
the time to stay engaged with other writers and artists.
My hope is for my art to reach larger audiences and
move more hearts.
Imelda Wei Ding Lo (Editor):
My goals for 2023 are to create more chapbooks for my characters, add more to my graphic novel buffers on Tapas, and conduct more interviews with writers on my podcast, "The Nuts and Bolts of Writing."
In 2023, I want to have a better work-and-life balance. Previously, due to the pandemic, I didn't have much of a life outside of work and thinking about my characters, and I want to change that. To write well, one must have inspiration, and you can only get so much inspiration from staring at the screen the whole day. You need to go out and experience life! So that's what I'm going to do in 2023 — focus on improving my personal life and returning to who I was before the pandemic, before I made a series of bad choices that stagnated my personal life.
To avoid that, we should create with goals in mind. Don't just endlessly daydream about your characters and stories — put pen to paper and start typing! If you keep at it, you'll soon have a novel to submit to publishers.
Tete DePunk (Editor):
2023, following the major changes of 2022, remains audacious in its ambition.
I plan to complete my novel, 70 Fierce Years, along with an accompanying novel(s) from the perspective of another major character, Tamara. One of these projects will be apocalypse-themed, entitled, "On Earth As It Is In Heaven."
Likewise, there will be a new version of my previous work, Scale, Blood and Bone.
In addition, there may be other works on the horizon. My main goal is to finish the main novel, 70 Fierce Years.